

Kingfisher House,
Juniper Drive,
Battersea Reach,
SW18 1TX

Flower Show 2014.

Show Gardens

After the successful construction of the Transformation garden for Stoke on Trent in 2013, the council's landscaping team and our team of landscape architects and garden designers collaborated to conceive The Positively Stoke-on-Trent garden that was built by our skilled team of craftsmen, foremen and project managers.

Landscape Designers : Stoke-on-Trent City Council Landscape team & Bartholomew Landscaping

Construction and Project Management : Bartholomew Landscaping


The design was even more ambitious this year and was located on the challenging triangular plot at the end of the main avenue of show gardens.

The garden’s flowing curves and clear lines, the use of circuits, solar panels and high-tech materials reflect the technological revolution.

The glass pavilion reflects water, earth and air and incorporated photosensitive cells that harvested power for the gardens water features and lighting. The city’s emerging sustainable energy ambitions were also highlighted by the bubbling water feature which represented the use of ground source heat pumps that will become a significant source of power in the future.


The Positively Stoke Garden concept

The Positively Stoke Garden concept


The planting is inspired by nature’s re-colonisation of Stoke-on-Trent, reconnecting the city to nature and a cleaner and greener future. As visitors entered the garden, white-dominated, with Birch, Amelanchier, grasses, ferns and flowering perennials, create a naturalised woodland feel which gradually transforms to a more formal style with ornamental plants and fabulous roses delivering the simplicity and beauty of a future-proofed urban garden environment. Edible landscapes are blossoming in the city and the garden included plants such as wild strawberry to reflect this productive theme.

The garden was awarded a prestigious RHS Silver-Gilt Flora Medal and was very popular with the public. The BBC coverage stated that ‘the show garden delivered a blast of creative energy, employing clean lines and precision design, melding natural growth with a technological dynamism that sent a strong message that the city is resurgent and powering ahead.’ The garden conveyed Stoke-on-Trent’s energy as a dynamic and creative place of opportunity for all.